B19N Q4 20 Beginner Band II Mon 2-3:15 pm Apr 12,19,26 May 3,10,17 – Marianne


B19N Q4 20 Beginner Band II Mon 2-3:15 pm Apr 12,19,26 May 3,10,17 – Marianne

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Beginner II
Woodwind, brass, and percussion instruments welcome
Open to anyone who has a moderate amount of band experience on their instrument – 1-2 years playing in a Concert Band setting
What this band does:
The focus is on playing together as a group and following the conductor
A wide range of musical styles are explored in traditional concert band instrumentation.
Prerequisites: Rent/own an instrument or purchase a stick/mallet kit if playing percussion
Be able to read notes in the clef of your instrument, including above and below the staff.
Play the Concert B-flat Major scale, one octave
Read rhythms in 3/4, 2/4, and 4/4 time including whole, half, quarter, and eighth notes
Should not be writing in note names, fingerings, slide positions
For percussion: Vic Firth rudiments – single stroke roll, flam, paradiddle (both hands), scales as above on mallet instruments
All group playing will take place over SmartMusic